Maternity Protection
International Labour Office
The video explains the benefits of maternity protection for the society.
It traces the journey of a pregnant employee.
She goes through the birth of her baby
exploring the legal recommendations from the ILO.
MNE Declaration
International Labour Office
This video focuses on the ILO Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy Declaration.
It highlights
the needs and benefits of social dialogue between labour organisations, Governments and multinationals.
Gift a pension
National Pension Scheme Authority Zambia
Gift a pension
National Pension Scheme Authority Zambia
This video shows why it is important to offer a pension to domestic workers.
The story is about the life of Taonga, working as a maid. By picturing the different scenario possible for her retirement, the video tells about social protection in low income countries.
It was developed for the National Pension Scheme Authority in Zambia with the support of the International Labour Office and their partners: The GRZ UN Joint Programme on Social Protection in Zambia is funded by DFID, the Government of Finland, Irish Aid and SIDA.
How we protected the mangroves
Indian Ocean Commission - EU
The South Western Indian Ocean is rich in biodiversity and endemic species. However, due to pressure from economic development, this rich wildlife is now threatened. A result of this is the destruction of the mangrove forests.
This video features the achievements of the Biodiversity Programme for mangroves conservation.
The Biodiversity Programme is implemented by the Indian Ocean Commission in partnership with the European Union to ensure more effective, coherent, coordinated and adaptive biodiversity management in line with international and regional agreements and priorities.